Thursday, 30 October 2014

Two Identities...

He stands tall, often towering over people. Dressed head to toe in black, black tall pumps,and a black long overcoat mid calf.
Long thin colored hair, very long painted fingernails, and an ever changing identity.

One identity:   creepy, psycho, shocking, dark ,this is what people on the streets label him as. He seems to live into that label, he is attention seeking in making big gestures to be these things. Every night  I spend time with him on the van he never fails to run his long fingernails down someones arm to get a reaction , tilt his head while staring at someone with scary eyes hoping for alarm, breathe his  hot breath close to a persons face wiggling his tongue causing discomfort.

I was caught off guard by this guy when I first met him months ago , I was a little fearful, and unsure of what to make of him, or how to treat him, when he did these things in front of me or to me. I have been learning to look past these behaviors and to focus on really treating him like a gentleman, with respect and dignity, not holding him to this stereotype. We are weekly having good conversations, he is sharing more, and I am seeing glimpses into this other identity.

Other Identity: He is fun, interesting, talented, and lively. He is enjoyable to have conversations with, and he is genuine in his care for others. He is appreciative and gentle, loyal to his friends. He likes sharing his interests, and teaching people what he has learned. He loves music, and is a good singer. He has a great smile, when it's real.

He is caught between two identities. Both so opposite. I really love this guy, I look forward to hanging out with him on the RV every week, he is my friend . Though it confuses and saddens me when he goes back and forth all the time. I pray that he becomes more of the man he was made to be, and less of what others have told him he is.

Please pray that whatever keeps him enslaved, he begins to desire freedom from. My hope is he will one day know the God that created him with such care, worth and purpose, and  that he will enter into a personal relationship with him through Christ Jesus.

Monday, 27 October 2014

He is our refuge

" I know the Lord is always with me, I will not be shaken for he is right beside me"
" Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways"
" I love you Lord, you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my rock, in whom I find my protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me and my place of safety."
"  Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me, all day long I put my hope in you."
" The Lord is my light and my salvation- so why should I be afraid?"
" He will hide me in his sanctuary
" My heart has heard you say, come and talk with me. My heart responds, Lord I am coming."

Such rich, beautiful truth in the psalms describing God. 
He is a God who walks with us, he is never far. 
He desires to reveal his love for us.
It is truly his strength we are invited to rely on, his identity we can count on, his protection and safety we can run too.
We can lean into this radical intimacy, of daily asking him to lead us, and looking to him above all else.
He really is the only hope, the source of light, and our true salvation.
He is refuge.
He is love.
He is life.
He is relentlessly beckoning us to walk with him, drawing us to himself.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

A special young woman...

           I knew who she was before looking up as she enters the van , her familiar squeeky little voice and gentle way with words make her absolutly irrisistable.

She has been sick for a number of weeks with a hacking cough. Unfortunetly with  this rainy, damp weather, and  her home being under the bridge her recovery is difficult.

She is so sweethearted and thankful for everything. She communicates well, and asks for help kindly.

She confides in me quietly some of the practical difficulties being a homeless young woman, and I am honored to be trusted.

As the van revs up communicating it's time for us to go, I am torn watching her leave. I cherish recieving the gentle hug, smile and goodnight from her.

I want to take her home, I want her to be pampered with a bubble bath, warm bed, and a space to be safe and comfortable. I want her to be doted on, cared for and delighted in.

She is worth so much more, she is a treasure, and she needs to know it, and experience it.

Please join me in praying for her and many others living on the streets. So many unique people, unhealthy situations, and difficult circumstances, that God would guide us in our relationships.

That we would be able to help them to get the assistance and support they need, to get off the streets.

Thursday, 16 October 2014


    It has been falling on me afresh, the mysterious yet beautiful truth, that God put on flesh and humanity and walked among us, died for us, and rescued us through his son Jesus Christ. It has taken me to scripture this week to discover Jesus yet again. I have been reminded that...

Jesus felt emotions. He experienced grieving, pain, knew loss.

Jesus experienced rejecton, betrayal, deep saddness,

he experienced abuse, affliction and injustice.

Jesus knew what it felt like not to belong, to be vulnurable , to have no home.

Jesus can identify with humanity better then anyone.

In the midst of being fully human, he also revealed to us just who God is, and his heart for humanity.

Jesus loved. Jesus noticed . Jesus walked with . Jesus reached out and touched.

Jesus felt great pity.

Jesus wept. Jesus had dinner with people. Jesus saw . Jesus had compassion .

Jesus was not shocked or disgusted with others. Jesus led . Jesus told stories. Jesus enjoyed teaching.

 Jesus gave hope . Jesus met people in their mess.

The list goes on and on through reading the gospel I am in awe of him, what he went through to save us, and his crazy love and compassion for us.

I long to know Jesus deeper and for others who don't know him to meet him.

Please pray that as God continues to lead us at Light Patrol into friendships with those living downtown Toronto, that together as a community we would all fall in love with Jesus, and know him better day by day.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

We were just about to leave , when we heard the faint sound of laughter and voices. They were a group of 5 people guys and girls gathered around some candles under the bridge. They had a little living room set up and made cozy. 

Needles were present and they didn't hide what they were doing, it was all out in the open. 
As we began our walk back to meet the van, he chased after us. He wanted to be with us, and sit in the van, and get a few necessities. Even in the midst of being high he was very clear and able to communicate honestly and very kindly with us. He shared his struggles being homeless, his difficulties, his need to talk and be heard. With a thank you and a God bless, he was gone. 

She was in the fetal position outside the van, 7 months pregnant, noticeably uncomfortable. She arrived about a week ago to Toronto, trying to find a better life than the destructive people she called family back home. With another child nearly twelve years old she couldn't take care of, she showed a strength and a determination to get back on her feet, leave her meth addiction, and be stable mother to her two kids. 


A young couple with an infectious joy, she so young bright eyed, and a truly captivating presence, he a sense of humor and a gentle kindness. Their stories wrapped up in struggle for survival, scary situations, victim of  an abusive family, and loneliness on the streets. I did not want them to leave the van, I loved the warmth they seem to carry with them. 


God knows these people, God sees these people, God loves these people. He knows every piece of their story, he sees them with hope to restore and heal, he loves them with an outrageous, furious, relentless love. 

He is not disgusted with the mess, he is in the mess.He is not overwhelmed with the brokenness, the hurt , the abuse, the addiction, the hopelessness.  I know and believe  he has hope for these people. I trust that he he is at work, and that he knows what needs to happen with each individual. 

Please keep these precious people in your prayers. That they would come to know Jesus. Jesus is what we need. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

To Love and be Loved.

The subway station was packed, people were running every direction, and I was being carried along with the fast paced traffic. 
Suddenly, for a split second he caught my eye. An elderly gentleman, with a cane, struggling to manage a grocery bag. His struggle was not noticeable, as he was very easy to miss in his very slow pace. 

He was the picture of weakness and frailty, I was hesitant to help him. I didn't want to embarrass  him, in case he was trying to go it alone. I approached, with limited english he couldn't understand me so I took his bag, and we proceeded to walk down one step at a time together. The walk was slow and awkward, no words exchanged between us. 

Eventually we made it to the bottom of the stairs, he turned to me and very slowly and thoughtfully he looked at me with kind eyes " You are kind, you are gentle, thank you". I was moved by his his heart, and his love for me, so genuine. We were complete strangers but there was love between us. 

We rode the subway together, and as we departed he kissed my hand, no words needed. 
I have never been so moved by the friendship of a stranger.