Thursday 28 April 2016

Following in your footsteps

" In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9

Following in Jesus footsteps has been an ongoing prayer for me in my work with Light Patrol, and in relationships with my friends on the street. There are plans I consistently make in my heart, in my mind, written in my day planner of how I think a day will go. Instead my day turns out much like this verse, where the Lord establishes my footsteps, leads me another way, and changes the course and I just have to follow and trust that he is leading me, and he is in control.

He establishes footsteps when...

I find myself unexpectedly sitting with a dear young friend who holds a sign to the world that says " I am invisible".
Who wears pants that read " I am sorry I am ugly" crudely splayed across.
One who holds razor blades, hunches over kneecaps, hood drawn tight to face and speaking of hatred for the world through tattooed lips.He puts sharpie to cardboard pulling together poetry, seeking to make sense of his existence. He speaks through unspeakable trauma's and mistreatment that have invaded his story, he mutters through tears why he should live, when he feels he matters to no one.

Oh how the profound presence of the one who leads me becomes so real in this time. Jesus presence of truth, compassion, mercy, grieving, heartache, and open arms for his angry hurt child are so tangible and real.

He establishes footsteps when...

Her bright smile pokes through the opening of her tent, and socked feet find themselves into boots as she steps out. We walk together, and find ourselves in a coffee shop listening to the poured out heart of a brave courageous little Girl. The beautiful moment, when a friendship begins. Gentle voiced
trust, thoughts, storytelling and the sharing of one's pain are offered in sweet conversation over coffees.

He establishes footsteps when...

I find myself sharing lunch together sitting upon the ground, food set on a thoughtfully fashioned table at the campsite of a dear friend. Dogs cuddling happily under large blanket, settling at the mouth of a freshly organized tent. Experiencing the stunning hospitality of one so genuine.

He establishes footsteps when...

I walk down the street with him, contagious joy written all over his face in giddy smiles.His juggling of longboard  in one hand, guitar in the other, backpack slung over shoulder. To be with one who through a life of tormenting mental health, abuse, harm, and massive trauma as he relishes the gift of a guitar from another is beyond sacred. He preaches to me in the midst of an unbelievable story. Such joy, unconditional love, mercy, compassion, unrelenting forgiveness, and a grasp of faith and love for God I am in awe of. He challenges me as he reveals to me what raw dependence on Jesus looks like, I  may never truly understand this intimacy with God in my lifetime.

When following Jesus, and asking him to lead me, I must give up my plans and ideas I must always be brought to a place of surrender. I have no idea where he will take me and what will happen. Sometimes the road is muddy and I am sinking and moving slowly. Sometimes the road is rocky and it hurts as I navigate and move through it. Sometimes the road is bumpy and the ground is not levelled and I slip and fall. Sometimes the road is smooth and easy. What I am daily learning following Jesus regardless of the journey is that I am always secure, always safe, always loved and taken care of because I am trusting and putting my faith in the one I love. I am trusting that his
kingdom is coming, his will is being done on earth as it is in heaven.

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