Friday 9 January 2015

Frigid cold night, absolutely chilling to the bone, wind sweeping the streets with snow dust, tiny flakes twirling around my head.

Each person we found seemed all the more vulnerable. Each with watery eyes, bright red faces, shaking, struggling to keep warm. Small bundles in corners, on sidewalks burrowing in sleeping bags…

It was heart wrenching tonight, though there were not nearly as many people as normal, still far to many individuals we found were alone in the cold.

An elderly woman really captured me tonight. Sitting atop a heating vent, a massive tarp threatened to carry her off as it billowed around her, two tiny legs poking out. Her person coming into view, beautiful toothless smile, soft hair around her face, kind engaging eyes.

Her attitude  was light hearted and upbeat, as she laughed about what she must look like to passerbys. She was so appreciative and showed such intentionality in her speech as she thanked us. She talked freely and at ease as if we were old friends.

How humbling for me, a person who is quick to complain when it is cold, and let grumpiness and complaining take over when I am not comfortable.

I am  struck by the attitude , kindness, and friendship I am shown by people on the streets. People who I would think have every right to be upset, frustrated, and angry for being in that situation instead seem to be surviving with humility. I am being taught.

Please pray for those who for whatever reason are finding themselves out in this cold weather alone right now.

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