Monday 19 January 2015

Mystery Man

      People have so much power to influence and effect each other. The way you look at someone, the words you speak, your body language... all of it can really impact a person to feel loved or unloved, important or unoticed, valued or not good enough.

I was significantly influenced by a gentleman on the streets the other night.
The way he treated me, the words he spoke to me, the way he listened to me... I knew I was incredibly valued.

He stood tall with a quiet dignity, bushy beard gone wild covering his whole face, kind eyes poking out beneath his hat.

There was something about him that struck me, he had a safety and simple peace he seemed to carry. A mystery. I enjoyed his presence as I searched to find him a pair of pants, we small talked.

He smiled looked at me and asked " so, tell me how long you have been a Christian".

He easily leaned in to hear my answer genuinly interested.

After my short story, I asked him the same question.

He instantly drew me in with his words.

 He spoke of picking up the bible and reading the gospel of luke one day, and just knowing deep in his heart it was the word of God.

He described the burden he did not know he was carrying until it was lifted from his shoulders, when he realized Christ took it for him.

The rv revved up, with a tip of the hat, an encouraging word to me in my walk with God he went back into the night.

Sometimes I am sure Jesus is revealing himself through people,  this was one of those times.

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